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Albania wants to promote archeological treasures underwater

Albania is promoting the archaeological finds in the waters of its coast to arouse the public interest.

The Albanian National Costs Agency opened an exhibition on Monday of 30 photographs showing the underwater findings of potential archaeological importance over the last decade.

The exhibition includes photos of amphorae, pots and two-handed jugs for wine or oil in ancient Greece, and other items embedded with tiny shells.

It is believed that the remains of ships represent a much longer period of time, from the sixth and fifth centuries BC. And the Austrian-Hungarian Empire during World War I, to British or Italian ships of the Second World War.

The archaeological wealth of the coast of Albania needs more legal protections and a better care to turn it into a popular tourist destination. Currently, Albania does not live on tourism, but I think that if the discoveries could be made known worldwide, that would attract a lot of public, especially tourists interested in the history of ancient Greece.



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